Author page: ShShares

Strongholds. What Are They? What Can I Do About Them?

Greetings Ladies!!!

During a heavy prayer session about a month ago, God relayed to me that I have been a stronghold in my relationship.

Let’s just stop here.

That blew my MIND!!!! 


I was sooo very thoroughly blown away that I just sat there for a  while and wept. My heart was SOOOO broken! Never would I have thought that my own actions (or even lack of action in some cases) were the cause of such MAJOR chaos in my life.


Father —

I am learning to be grateful for all that you have blessed me with. I don’t always arrive, but Lord, I am trying.
I am learning to be grateful for all you protect me from, and though I’m not always understanding, Lord, I am trying.
God, I am trying to find rest in all that you have promised, and Lord … you know I’m not the most patient, but Lord, I am trying.
Lord, I doubt myself. I doubt me very often. I doubt my power. I doubt my strength, and even with all my faith in you, somehow I am still banking on me. Somehow I am still “faithing it” on what I bring.

[Be still and KNOW I AM God! 11:45pm]

God, you are amazing. My truth. My strength. My strong tower. You keep me, and for that, I thank you. God, you bless me, and for that, I thank you. You are the lifter of my head, and for that, I love you. Thank you for being amazing, for keeping me, for lifting me up, for loving me.

God, these lessons you have taught have been wonderful and I am truly grateful. You blessed me!

Speak Things Into Existence

Speak Things Into Existence   I posted “Speak Things Into Existence” on IG a while ago and received this: “I get the concept, but it’s not Biblical. When we pray, we have to ask according to His will. We cannot, nor will we ever, be able to speak things into existence. All we can do is pray with faith to the…

30 Days of Prayer ★ Day 19 ★ Forgiveness

30 Days of Prayer ★ Day 19 ★ Forgiveness Coaching Conversation on Forgiveness! Here’s a quick snippet on forgiveness as presented with Coach Regina Nicole Roberts. Take a listen and apply to discussion to your own life. Forward the messages throughout your groups for the betterment of yourself and the ladies around you. Enjoy this convo on forgiveness! â€” @CoachDNicole…