Greetings Ladies!!!

During a heavy prayer session about a month ago, God relayed to me that I have been a stronghold in my relationship.

Let’s just stop here.

That blew my MIND!!!! 


I was sooo very thoroughly blown away that I just sat there for a  while and wept. My heart was SOOOO broken! Never would I have thought that my own actions (or even lack of action in some cases) were the cause of such MAJOR chaos in my life.

So many times, we find ourselves at the center of things that we pray against and we have no understanding as to why these things will not be removed from us. WOW! My mind was blown! It wasn’t until that moment that I realized that I… me, myself… I was the reason why my own prayers were not being answered! Talk about breakthrough?!!! I was BROKEN!!! I was the brokenness that was causing MAJORly disruptive, REPEAT patterns in my life. My my my!

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Never would I have EVER connected those very distinct dots. I was praying in an area very heavily for years and causing myself so much agony in the process simply because I did not realize that it was my own actions that caused and KEPT the ruckus going in the first place. WOW!

Why is this so major??? BECAUSE I DID NOT KNOW!!!

How many of us would continue a pattern which perpetuates the exact thing you’re praying against??? Uhhhh… likely NO ONE! That means it is VERY important to be VERY mindful of how YOU are impacting all sides of your life at all times. We don’t realize even in our “innocent” practices that we firmly PLANT ourselves in the way of POWERFUL breakthroughs. The question now is, once you realize this…

Will You Get Out of the Way??

Some of us still won’t!


Personally, I don’t have that type of time. I need to move FAST! GET OUT THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my breakthrough to come and come QUICKLY! I have little time to remain in dank, dark, DUSTY places. My happiness just canNOT be set up like that!!! Seriously!

This entire awareness has kept me in a present awareness of my understanding (and acceptance) of strongholds. It has placed me in a mindset to be knowledgeable of their existence and the posture needed to combat them. Along the way, I also have an increased spiritual awareness of the presence of strongholds in the lives of others. THIS… has been interesting. I can literally FEEL it.

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I am very grateful for the knowledge of strongholds and the growth therein. I seem to have existed in a THRONG of spiritual naivete for a lifetime. Seems that God is consistently removing that space of comfort and aiding me along the way as I encounter things I have never faced prior to now.

STRONGHOLDS. What Are They? How Do I Combat Them?

Here, you will find the results of a search I recently did to answer the questions I had. Click on the links and inform yourselves. Then, come back and share your thoughts in the comments section!

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