Hey sugars.
Thanks for your calls, texts, love, everything, everything, and everything else.
You have been my legs.
I don’t even know how they have been working and how I didn’t already evaporate (like the left behind dress with smoke rising from the Wizard of Oz.
You have been my BRAIN.
D-U-C-K when I was spelling DUKE for the funeral director to email ME administrative things for myyyyyyyyy sister.
You have been my outlet.
I have vented so much. Much so much. I have grieved about what’s left behind before the transition and nearly drowned in my own tears last night after it was all left behind.
The shower was the first time I had been left alone since arriving at the hospital early Sunday morning. (NOTE: Nih, Ya’ll KNOW I need to be alone!!! I’m only visible because my car broke down on my way from the hospital. Doggone car made it ALLLL the way from 1 hour west of Atlanta, at nighttime, NO problem. Suddenly, it poops out, so…
So that I cannot control things. and…
And run.
And leave.
And avoid it.
And self-soothe.
Thanks for being UBER and helping God orchaestrate keeping me on site and not absent. Just saying!
Thanks for reminding me I have triple-A. Didn’t seem THINK about that.
Thanks for giving me your keys and offering your homes and replying to my messages and answering my phone and finding my phone and finding my phone and NOT accepting my apologies.
Thanks for reminding me ya’ll GOT me.
Ya BEEN had me.
Ya GONE have me.
As Ruthie said today when I visited, “Who Got Me??”
My answer to this from me to you ALL is… YA’LL GOT ME!
Thanks for having ME during this time.
It helps me to have my family.
Because while I’ve got PLENNY sisters, I am my mother’s only remaining biological daughter.
1 my favorite picture of Monique Ellis, a picture that I took.
2 my favorite picture of us.
3 my favorite picture of my mother’s children.
(And no, I’m not proofing this.
There are errors. IT is ok.
I am NOT ok.)