Where do you already sense God is at work?

I see God at work when I draw connections regarding race, culture, creed, and practice. In my 3-point charge, I am observing, yet it’s entirely too early to determine the reason(s) for the things I see. A portion of my inferences could be cultural or racial practice while others are denominational form.

God is showing me “big picture” views where I’ve had intimate exposures to the religious practices of various denominations and cultures.

With each day, I’m growing increasingly curious to learn more. I’m like a sponge in this context. I want to see ALL I can see and do ALL I can do. (NOTE: I am QUICKLY finding out how unhealthy that is, and I’m only in week one! haha Go figure!) I’ll work to get that under control soon. (*sigh*)

How will you immerse yourself fully in the experience at hand?

Immersion into this experience will come through maximizing time. If I cannot get a handle on work-life separation and sleep-relaxation schedule, I will miss out. I am consciously working to find balance where possible, and I am praying for the energy and grace to make up for what I lack.

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