At every juncture, life will ask you a prime… premium question: How Bad Do You Want It? Every minute of every day with every action, every response, every consideration, you answer the question. You tell life what to do for you and how to do it. You tell life if you’re ready or if you’re faking. You tell life if you’ll fight or if you’ll flee. You tell life what type of GLADIATOR you are…
30 Days of Prayer ★ Day 27 ★ Take Pride in Who You Are Take Pride in Who You Are! Never forgetting where you have come from, use your past experiences not just to build where you aim to go but also use them to STEP OVER where you currently are with peace and grace. Don’t forget all that your…
30 Days of Prayer ★ Day 25 ★ Write the Vision, Make it Plain Write the Vision, Make it Plain! Map out a clear depiction of who you would like to be and shift your activities toward prioritization of that focus. Be willing to adjust your past hangups and future responses to work toward who you ultimately desire to become.…
30 Days of Prayer ★ Day 24 ★ Do You Know Who You Are? Do You Know Who You Are?! Knowledge of self is key in finding your placement in the world and your ultimate purpose in life. Do what you can to secure your awareness of yourself so that you can have firm footing in your identity! Enjoy! Do…