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“Who Got Me??” Ya’ll Got Me!!!

Hey sugars. Thanks for your calls, texts, love, everything, everything, and everything else. You have been my legs. I don’t even know how they have been working and how I didn’t already evaporate (like the left behind dress with smoke rising from the Wizard of Oz. You have been my BRAIN. D-U-C-K when I was spelling DUKE for the funeral…

All That I Cannot Say

If I am honest, my opening to this has been colored by a number of things. Namely, my own blackness. In white spaces, I think too much for “the colored” people. I think of us *as* coloured people. I do too much in my mind to correct for what I think is the bias of other races while altogether realizing it is my own bias at fault here. I am not here removing the external biases that do exist, yet I am stating the fact that it is hard enough to live while black without adding the over-correction (or over-calculation) that I feel the need to do because of my race.

CoachDNicole POSTS Duke Divinity School Field Education Journal Entry Week 1

Field Education Experience: Week 1 Journal

One aspect of this opportunity is the request to submit a journal entry to the school regarding my experiences each week. I’ll be sharing those via this blog as well. If I censor portions, I’ll let you know, but I plan to share with you my full truths. Enjoy that! I can’t always share, and won’t always be allowed to. Ask whatever questions you have as a result. Here goes…

How Bad Do YOU Want It?

At every juncture, life will ask you a prime… premium question: How Bad Do You Want It? Every minute of every day with every action, every response, every consideration, you answer the question. You tell life what to do for you and how to do it. You tell life if you’re ready or if you’re faking. You tell life if you’ll fight or if you’ll flee. You tell life what type of GLADIATOR you are…