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Father —

I am learning to be grateful for all that you have blessed me with. I don’t always arrive, but Lord, I am trying.
I am learning to be grateful for all you protect me from, and though I’m not always understanding, Lord, I am trying.
God, I am trying to find rest in all that you have promised, and Lord … you know I’m not the most patient, but Lord, I am trying.
Lord, I doubt myself. I doubt me very often. I doubt my power. I doubt my strength, and even with all my faith in you, somehow I am still banking on me. Somehow I am still “faithing it” on what I bring.

[Be still and KNOW I AM God! 11:45pm]

God, you are amazing. My truth. My strength. My strong tower. You keep me, and for that, I thank you. God, you bless me, and for that, I thank you. You are the lifter of my head, and for that, I love you. Thank you for being amazing, for keeping me, for lifting me up, for loving me.

God, these lessons you have taught have been wonderful and I am truly grateful. You blessed me!